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Figure 3: Relative Abundance of Genera Occurring in Filter-Digester Bed Samples.
doi 10.7717/peerj.6077/fig-3
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Figure 2: Relative Abundance of Phylum-Level Groups Occurring at a Mean Relative Abundance >2% Across All Filter-Digester Bed Samples.
Supplemental Information 3: Relative Abundance of Unclassified OTUs Occurring in Filter-Digester Bed Samples Based on Total Number of Sequences Clustered Into Unclassified Group During the Genus Level Analysis.
Figure 5: Relative Abundance of Genera Occurring at >2% in at Least One of the Liquid Effluent Samples.
Supplemental Information 4: Comparison of Overall Bacterial Community Structure of Filter-Digester Bed Samples.
Figure 4: Relative Abundance of Phylum-Level Groups Occurring at >2% in at Least One of the Liquid Effluent Samples.
Figure 3: Relative Abundance of Sour Rot Associated Microorganisms in P. Dominulus.
Figure 3: Relative Abundance of the 200 Most Highly Expressed Transcripts.
Figure 9: Mean Relative Abundance of OTUs Present in Gut Mucosal Samples Grouped by Genus.
Figure 4: Coral Genera Abundance, Mayotte, 2010.