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Table 1: Ecological Indicators Evaluated for Hindcast Simulations and Catch Scenario Projections, With Key References for Each Indicator.
doi 10.7717/peerj.7308/table-1
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Table 2: Sensitivity (Indicated by ✓) of Ecological Indicators to Steepness and Recruitment Cap in the Hindcast and/or Catch Scenario Projections.
Table 1: Trawl and Catch Data.
Table 2: Simulation Results for M = 1,000 Features, 200 Runs for Each Scenario, Independent Test Statistics.
Figure 1: Jaccard Scores for Each Participating Team, Evaluated Across Crown Diameters.
Table 3: Simulation Results for M = 10,000 Features, 200 Runs for Each Scenario, Independent Test Statistics.
Table 1: Vmax and Km Values for Each Test Compound Concentration.
Table 1: Sources of Scoring for Each Operational Taxonomic Unit.
Table 1: Number of Field Observations for Each Coral Genus.
Figure 7: Kempton’s Q Calculated From Chatham Rise Atlantis Model Simulations With Recruitment Steepness Set at 0.5 for Myctophids, No Cap on Recruitment (A), Recruitment Capped at R0 (B), and Three Catch Scenarios: (1) Zero Catch; (2) Status Quo Catch; (3) Half Catch, for the 2010–2016 Hindcast Period and 2016–2046 Projection Period.