Commentaries on Viewpoint: Reappraisal of the Acute, Moderate Intensity Exercise-Catecholamines Interaction Effect on Speed of Cognition: Role of the Vagal/NTS Afferent pathwayCommentaries on Viewpoint: Reappraisal of the Acute, Moderate Intensity Exercise-Catecholamines Interaction Effect on Speed of Cognition: Role of the Vagal/NTS Afferent pathwayCommentaries on Viewpoint: Reappraisal of the Acute, Moderate Intensity Exercise-Catecholamines Interaction Effect on Speed of Cognition: Role of the Vagal/NTS Afferent pathwayCommentaries on Viewpoint: Reappraisal of the Acute, Moderate Intensity Exercise-Catecholamines Interaction Effect on Speed of Cognition: Role of the Vagal/NTS Afferent Pathway