Russian Diplomatic and Consular Officials in East Asia: A Handbook of the Representatives of Tsarist Russia and the Provisional Government in China, Japan and Korea From 1858 to 1924 and of Soviet Representatives in Japan From 1925 to 1968 Compiled on the Basis of Russian, Japanese and Chinese Sources With a Historical Introduction. Compiled by George Alexander Lensen. Tokyo: Sophia University, in Cooperation With the Diplomatic Press, Tallahassee, Fla., [1968]. Vii, 294 Pp. $15.00.Japanese Diplomatic and Consular Officials in Russia: A Handbook of Japanese Representatives in Russia From 1874 to 1968 Compiled on the Basis of Japanese and Russian Sources With a Historical Introduction. Compiled by George Alexander Lensen. Tokyo: Sophia University, in Cooperation With the Diplomatic Press, Tallahassee, Fla., [1968]. 230 Pp. $15.00.

Slavic Review - United States
doi 10.2307/2493106
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