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Figure 3: Neighbor-Joining Tree Based on Da Distances of Microsatellite Allele Frequency of Brown Trout Samples Collected From Hungarian Wild Streams and Hatcheries (LF, SZV) and a Wild Serbian One (SRB).
doi 10.7717/peerj.5152/fig-3
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Figure 2: Median Joining Network of mtDNA Haplotypes of Brown Trout Samples Collected From Hungarian Wild Streams (BA, JO, KE, AK, KO, BI), Hatcheries (LF1-2 and SZV) and One Wild Population in Serbia (SRB).
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Table S3: Private Alleles of Analysed Microsatellite Loci in Two Hatcheries and Six Wild Populations in Hungary and in One Wild Serbian Population
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