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Table 5: Results of the Species-Delimitation Analysis (Masters, Fan & Ross, 2011) of the COI-and 16s-Based Consensus Tree.
doi 10.7717/peerj.8621/table-5
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Table 6: Results of Species Delimitation Analysis Based on the Concatenated Tree.
Table 1: Results of Species Delimitation Analyses.
Table 2: Composition of Characters in the COI, 16S rDNA and COI + 16S rDNA Aligned Datasets.
Table 4: COI and 16S Primers.
Table 3: Genetic Distance of Pomacea Specimens Using COI, 16S rDNA and COI + 16S rDNA Aligned Datasets.
Figure 3: Bayesian Tree of Clessinia and Spixia Species Based on a 992 Bp Multilocus Dataset (COI and 16s-rRNA).
Table S4: Genetic Divergence Analysis of the COI + 16S rDNA Dataset Based on Pairwise Alignment of All 40 Pomacea Specimens
Figure 5: Maximum Likelihood Tree of COI Barcodes of Seven Coptoformica Species and Three Additional Formica Species.
Figure 4: Bayesian Tree of Clessinia and Spixia Species Based on the Partial COI Gene.