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Publications by Χ. Μ. Νιφτανίδου
Προς Μια Ποιητική Του Σώματος: Evi Voyiatzaki, the Body in the Text: James Joyce's Ulysses and the Modem Greek Novel, Lanham/ Boulder/New York/Oxford, Lexington Books, 2002 - Xv + 251 P.
Related publications
"Love's Bitter Mystery": The Mother-Son Relationship in James Joyce's Ulysses.
Odyssey of the Psyche: Jungian Patterns in Joyce's Ulysses
Choice Reviews Online
Heinz Monica (Dir.), 2009, the Anthropology of Moralities. New York, Oxford, Berghahn Books, 230 P., Bibliogr., Index. Zigon Jarrett, 2008, Morality : An Anthropological Perspective. Oxford, New York, Berg, 180 P., Index.
Anthropologie et Sociétés
John Hazel, Who’s Who in the Greek World. Londres Et New York, Routledge, 2002, 289 P., Gloss., Append., Cartes.
Anthropologie et Sociétés
Théberge, James D. (Éd.), Soviet Seapower in the Caribbean : Political and Strategic Implications, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1972, Xv + 188 P.
Études internationales
Gilbert Gagné, the Trade and Culture Debate: Evidence From US Trade Agreements, New York, Lexington Books, 2016
Quebec Journal of International Law
MAYALL, James (Dir.). The New Interventionism 1991-1994. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1996,248 P.
Études internationales
Alain Beaulieu and David Gabbard. (Eds.) Michel Foucault and Power Today: International Multidisciplinary Studies in the History of the Present. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006.
Foucault Studies
The Urban Elderly Poor: Racial and Bureaucratic Conflict. By Richard S. Sterne, James E. Phillips, and Alvin Rabushka. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1974. 145 Pp. $12.50
Social Work
Political Science
Social Work