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Publications by В.Н. Разгон
Informal Practices of Workers at the Industrial Enterprises of the Altai Territory in the 1940s — The First Half of the 1950s as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of the Soviet System of Work Incentives
Izvestiya of Altai State University Journal
Related publications
External Economic Activities of Industrial Enterprises of the Altai Territory in the 1990s
Izvestiya of Altai State University
Specialized Medicine in the Villages of the Saratov Region in the Second Half of the 1940s – Early 1950s
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: History. International Relations
The Results of the Activities of Small Innovative Enterprises in the Region (On the Example of the Altai Territory)
Voprosy regionalnoj ekonomiki
Confidence in Informal Groups as a Resource for Achieving the Generalized Confidence of the Population in the Altai Territory
The Legacy of the Post-Revolutionary Soviet Residential Architecture of the First Half of the XX Century: An Attempt at Sociological Analysis
Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsialnoy Antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology)
Repressions Against the Clergy in the Altai Region in the First Years of Soviet Power
Nations and religions of the Eurasia
System Analysis of the Relief of the Southern Slope of the Greater Caucasus as an Indicator of the Ecological – Landscape Potential of the Territory
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Geography
Public Health Service Development in the USSR in the Second Half of the 1950s – The First Half of the 1960s (Based on the Data of the Lower Volga Region)
Series History. International Relations
Representation of Youth in Soviet Cinema of the 1950s
Journal of Flm Arts and Film Studies