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Publications by A. A. Zakharov
New Type of Ecologically Clean Small-Scale Power Plants Based on Fast Combustion of Water-Aluminum Suspension and Biogas Combustion in Matrix Burners
Alternative Energy and Ecology (ISJAEE)
Effect of Substrate Nanopatterning on the Growth and Structure of Pentacene Films
Physical Review B
Changes in the Morphostructure of Animals’ Testes of the Period of Pronounced Senile Changes at Immunosuppression
Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin
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Fast Computation of Multi-Scale Combustion Systems
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Industrial Burners Testing and Combustion Efficiency Analysis
Revista de Engenharia Térmica
Industrial Burners Testing and Combustion Efficiency Analysis
Revista de Engenharia Térmica
Combustion Oscillations in Burners With Fuel Spray Atomisers
Low Temperature Combustion Demonstrator for High Efficiency Clean Combustion
Light Duty Efficient, Clean Combustion
Pre-Combustion, Post-Combustion and Oxy-Combustion in Thermal Power Plant for CO2 Capture
Applied Thermal Engineering
Power Technology
Manufacturing Engineering
Energy Engineering
Non-Catalytic Reforming of Biogas in Porous Media Combustion
The Effect of Nitrogen on Biogas Flame Propagation Characteristic in Premix Combustion