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Publications by A. B. Keen
Development of the Global Sea Ice 6.0 CICE Configuration for the Met Office Global Coupled Model
Geoscientific Model Development
Planetary Sciences
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Geotechnical Engineering
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Evaluation of the Met Office Global Forecast Model Using Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Data
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
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On the Discretization of the Ice Thickness Distribution in the NEMO3.6-LIM3 Global Ocean–sea Ice Model
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Development of a 2-Way Coupled Ocean-Wave Model: Assessment on a Global NEMO(v3.6)-WW3(v6.02) Coupled Configuration
ESPC Coupled Global Prediction System - Develop and Test Coupled Physical Parameterizations: NAVGEM/CICE/HYCOM
Evaluating High-Impact Precipitation Forecasts From the Met Office Global Hazard Map Using a Global Impact Database
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Impact of the Ice Thickness Distribution Discretization on the Sea Ice Concentration Variability in the NEMO3.6-LIM3 Global Ocean–sea Ice Model
Brief Communication: Impacts of Ocean-Wave-Induced Breakup of Antarctic Sea Ice via Thermodynamics in a Standalone Version of the CICE Sea-Ice Model