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Publications by A. Bouridane
A Framework for Arabic Handwritten Recognition Based on Segmentation
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Computer Science
Rotation Invariant Matching of Partial Shoeprints
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A Recognition-Based Approach to Segmenting Arabic Handwritten Text
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A Data Base for Arabic Handwritten Text Recognition Research
A Deep Learning Approach for Handwritten Arabic Names Recognition
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
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Arabic Handwritten Words Off-Line Recognition Based on HMMs and DBNs
An Approach Based on Structural Segmentation for the Recognition of Arabic Handwriting
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences
Offline Handwritten Arabic Character Segmentation With Probabilistic Model
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
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Theoretical Computer Science
Isolated Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition Using Linear Correlation
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Data Fusion Based Framework for the Recognition of Isolated Handwritten Kannada Numerals
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
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