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Publications by A. V. Briukhnova
Educational Attainment and Religiosity: Exploring Variations by Religious Tradition
Sociology of Religion
Religious Studies
Social Sciences
Orthodoxy as Project: Temporality and Action in an American Protestant Denomination
Sociology of Religion
Religious Studies
Social Sciences
Humanizing Agents of Modern Capitalism? The Daily Work of Port Chaplains
Sociology of Religion
Religious Studies
Social Sciences
2016 Paul Hanly Furfey Lecture
Sociology of Religion
Religious Studies
Social Sciences
Racial/Ethnic Variations in the Consequences of Religious Participation for Academic Achievement at Elite Colleges and Universities
Sociology of Religion
Religious Studies
Social Sciences
Enforcing Christian Nationalism: Examining the Link Between Group Identity and Punitive Attitudes in the United States
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Religious Studies
Family Members’ Uses of Religion in Post–coming-Out Conflicts With Their Gay Relative.
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Social Psychology
Religious Studies
Applied Psychology
The Social Context of Organized Nonbelief: County-Level Predictors of Nonbeliever Organizations in the United States
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Religious Studies
Religiosity, Secular Participation, and Cultural Socialization: A Case Study of the 1933-1942 Urban English Cohort
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Religious Studies
Daily Spiritual Experiences and Well-Being Among the Nonreligious, Spiritual, and Religious: A Bifactor Analysis.
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Social Psychology
Religious Studies
Applied Psychology