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Publications by A. Yamazaki
Wavelength and NOx Dependent Complex Refractive Index of SOAs Generated From the Photooxidation of Toluene
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Observations of XCO2 and XCH4 With Ground-Based High-Resolution FTS at Saga, Japan, and Comparisons With GOSAT Products
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Atmospheric Science
Microscopic 3-Dimensional Mapping of Hydrogen Bubbles in Polycrystalline Al by Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis Under Transmission Geometry
AIP Advances
Coordinated Airglow Observations Between IMAP/VISI and a Ground-Based All-Sky Imager on Concentric Gravity Wave in the Mesopause
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
The Design of the Beam Line of the Nagoya University Accelerator-Driven Neutron Source
Repeated Exposures to Daytime Bright Light Increase Nocturnal Melatonin Rise and Maintain Circadian Phase in Young Subjects Under Fixed Sleep Schedule
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Single Scattering Albedo of Aeolian Dust as Inferred From Sky-Radiometer and in Situ Ground-Based Measurement
Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere
Atmospheric Science
Production of Small Magnetic Ac Marker.
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan
4. Ephemerides (Ephemerides)
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union