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Publications by A.A. Timoshchenko
The Results of Archaeological Reconnaissance in Novokuznetsk District of Kemerovo Region (Bardino-1 and Bardino-4 Sites)
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
Results of Certifi Cation of Archaeological Objects in the Vicinity to the Town of Divnogorsk and the Village of Ust-Mana at Krasnoyarsk Region in 2018
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
Results of Archaeological Research at the Ust-Mana Settlement in 2018 (Under the Project of Krasnoyarsk Archaeological Heritage Sites Cataloging)
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
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Tourism Economy of Kemerovo Region in 2009-2017: Strategies, Results, and Challenges
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Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
Reconnaissance Geology of the Malaspina District, Alaska
Open-File Report
Indicative Estimation of Economic Security of the Kemerovo Region
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Healthcare Service in the Kemerovo Region in 1945–1959
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University
Performance of Gender Identities in the New Age (The Case of Pilgrimage to Archaeological Sites in Krasnodar Region)
Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsialnoy Antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology)
Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Lower Ohio River Navigation Area, Illinois and Kentucky