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Publications by AAF Banjo
Evaluation of the Toxicity and Reversibility Profile of the Aqueous Seed Extract of Hunteria Umbellata (K.Schum) Hallier F. In Rodents
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
Drug Discovery
Alternative Medicine
Perinatal Outcome of Obvious Congenital Malformation as Seen at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.
Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics
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Isolation of Phytochemical Constituents From Hunteria Umbellata K. Schum
Acute and Sub-Acute Oral Toxicity Studies of Aqueous Extract of Securidaca Longepedunculata Fresen (Polygalaceae) Root Barks in Rodents.
International Journal of Advanced Research
Anxiolytic and Antidepressant-Like Effects of the Aqueous Extract ofAlafia multifloraStem Barks in Rodents
Advances in Pharmacological Sciences
Molecular Medicine
Toxicity Studies of the Aqueous Root Extract of Lecaniodiscus Cupanioides
Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences
Phytochemical Profile and Evaluation of the Allelopathic Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Fimbristylis Miliacea (L.) Vahl (Cyperaceae)
Journal of Agricultural Studies
Acute Toxicity Study of Aqueous Tuber Extract
The Open Conference Proceedings Journal
Effects of Aqueous Extract of Moringa Oleifera Seed on Cadmium-Induced Reproductive Toxicity in Male Wistar Rats
African Health Sciences
Ulcer-Protective and Antidiarrhoeal Effects of the Aqueous Stem Bark Extract of Bridelia Ferruginea in Rodents