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Publications by AC Dickson
Effects of Aspirin Upon the Flushing Reaction Induced by Niceritrol.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
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Aspirin-Induced Asthma and Aspirin-Induced Polyps
Practica Otologica, Supplement
The Effect of Concurrent Aspirin Upon Plasma Concentrations of Tenoxicam.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Effects of Sulfinpyrazone,aspirin and Propranolol on the Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Necrosis.
Japanese Heart Journal
Induced Conformational Changes Upon Cd2+ Binding at Photosynthetic Reaction Centers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Comparative Effects of Aspirin and Celecoxibon PTZ-induced Seizure in Rats
Cryoablation-Induced Anti-Cancer Immune Reaction—Immune Reaction Induced by Cryoablation
Journal of Cancer Therapy
Remedial Effects of Electrical Stimulation Upon the Experimental Psychoses in the Rats Induced by Chronic Administration of Methamphetamine
The Annual of Animal Psychology
Regioisomeric and Substituent Effects Upon the Outcome of the Reaction of 1-Borodienes With Nitrosoarene Compounds
Journal of Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
The Effects of Galactosamine-Induced Hepatic Failure Upon Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability