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Publications by Abdolsamad Hosseinzadeh
Computation of Porosity Using Sand and Carbonate Rock Physics Models in an Iranian Oilfield
ASEG Extended Abstracts
Bayesian Stochastic Inversion (A Case Study From an Iranian Oil Field)
ASEG Extended Abstracts
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Upscaled Rock-Physics Templates for Seismic Reservoir Characterization in Thin-Sand Reservoirs
Permeability and Porosity Improvement of Grouted Sand
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Structural Engineering
7. Seismic, Rock Physics, Spatial Models, and Their Integration in Reservoir Geophysics
Rock Physics Modelling for Estimating the Quality of Reservoir Tight Sand in Bintuni Basin, West Papua, Indonesia
Jurnal Geofisika
Rock Physics Models and Seismic Inversion in Reservoir Characterization, “MUN” Onshore Niger Delta Field
International Journal of Geosciences
Low Salinity Waterflooding EOR Laboratory Test Using a Carbonate Rock
Journal of the Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
An Analysis of Island Models in Evolutionary Computation
CO2 Storage in Low Permeable Carbonate Reservoirs: Permeability and Interfacial Tension (IFT) Changes During CO2 Injection in an Iranian Carbonate Reservoir
Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering