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Publications by Achmad Nizar Hidayanto
Health Referral System User Acceptance Model in Indonesia
Factors Influencing the Intention to Share Knowledge in Citizen Media With Stimulus-Organismic-Response Framework
International Journal of Web Based Communities
Computer Networks
Oceanographic Features Selection to Predict the Tuna Potential Fishing Zones Using SFFS Method
International Mathematical Forum
Peta Rencana (Roadmap) Riset Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) Dengan Fokus Riset Pada Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah (Ukm) Di Indonesia
Jurnal Sistem Informasi
Social Media Adoption for Social CRM in Higher Education: An Insight From Indonesian Universities
International Journal of Synergy and Research
Integrating E-Servqual and Kano Model Into Quality Function Deployment to Improve Website Service Quality: An Application to University's Website
Design Solutions for Improving Website Quality and Effectiveness
The Development of Integrated Career Portal in University Using Agile Methodology
The Trigger Factors and Constraints on E-Supply Chain Processes: A Systematic Literature Review
Complaint Handling Through Social Media: Perceived Justice and Customer Satisfaction
Discovery of Customer Satisfaction Dimension From Tweets Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation