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Publications by Adam D. Galinsky
Perspective Taking Combats Automatic Expressions of Racial Bias.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Political Science
The Solitude of Secrecy: Thinking About Secrets Evokes Goal Conflict and Feelings of Fatigue
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Social Psychology
No Mirrors for the Powerful: Why Dominant Smiles Are Not Processed Using Embodied Simulation
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Physiological Psychology
Behavioral Neuroscience
Cultural Borders and Mental Barriers: The Relationship Between Living Abroad and Creativity.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Political Science
Counterfactuals as Behavioral Primes: Priming the Simulation Heuristic and Consideration of Alternatives
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Political Science
Counterfactuals as Self-Generated Primes: The Effect of Prior Counterfactual Activation on Person Perception Judgments
Social Cognition
Educational Psychology
Social Psychology
Inhibition of the Literal: Metaphors and Idioms as Judgmental Primes
Social Cognition
Educational Psychology
Social Psychology
The Mechanics of Imagination: Automaticity and Control in Counterfactual Thinking