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Publications by Ahmad Moinzadeh
Tasks in Explicit L2 Pronunciation Instruction: FonF vs. FonFS in Improving Phonemic Accuracy and Comprehensibility
3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature
Literary Theory
A Review of William Blake's "Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience" in Persian Translation
Journal of Language Teaching and Research
The Effects of Output Task Types on Noticing and Learning of English Past Modals: A Case of Intermediate Persian Adult Learners of English
Journal of Language Teaching and Research
Effects of Receptive and Productive Tasks on Iranian EFL Students' Learning of Verb-Noun Collocations
Journal of Language Teaching and Research
Modern English Drama and the Students’ Fluency and Accuracy of Speaking
English Language Teaching
The Challenge of Terminographic Gaps in Translation: A Text-Based Approach Put to Practice
Research in Language