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Publications by Aiji OHTSUKA
Artery Ascending Between the Scalenus Anterior and Medius Muscles
Okayama Igakkai Zasshi (Journal of Okayama Medical Association)
Dark and Light Neurons in the Central Nervous System Light and Electron Microscopic Study of the Mouse Brain
Okayama Igakkai Zasshi (Journal of Okayama Medical Association)
Dark Neurons in the Mouse Brain: An Investigation Into the Possible Significance of Their Variable Appearance Within a Day and Their Relation to Negatively Charged Cell Coats.
Archives of Histology and Cytology
Fine Anionic Iron Colloid and Its Use in Light and Electron Microscopic Detection of Cationic Sites in the Rat Kidney
Archives of Histology and Cytology
The Blood Vascular Architecture of the Extra-Adrenal Chromaffin Body in the Adult Rat: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Corrosion Casts.
Archives of Histology and Cytology
Neurons With Perineuronal Sulfated Proteoglycans in the Mouse Brain and Spinal Cord: Their Distribution and Reactions to Lectin Vicia Villosa Agglutinin and Golgi's Silver Nitrate.
Archives of Histology and Cytology
Blood Vascular Architecture of the Rat Cerebral Hypophysis and Hypothalamus. A Dissection/Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vascular Casts
Archives of Histology and Cytology
The Intensely Positively Charged Perineuronal Net in the Adult Rat Brain, With Special Reference to Its Reactions to Oxine, Chondroitinase ABC, Hyaluronidase and Collagenase.
Archives of Histology and Cytology
Enhanced Visualization of Weak Colloidal Iron Signals With Bodian's Protein Silver for Demonstration of Perineuronal Nets of Proteoglycans in the Central Nervous System.
Archives of Histology and Cytology