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Publications by Aleksandra Šindić
Students and Preschool Teachers in a Play With Children: Playfulness Approached Through the Ego States / Studenti I Odgajatelji U Igri S Djecom: Pristup Igri Posredstvom Teorije Stanja Ega
Croatian Journal of Education
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Izazovi Učitelja U Radu S Darovitom Djecom
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons
Critical Thinking Development in Older Preschool Age Children Through Play
Cherkasy University Bulletin: Pedagogical Sciences
A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Adult Play and Playfulness
International Journal of Play
Cultural Studies
Educational Psychology
Neki Pokazatelji Sadašnjeg I Budućeg Demografskog Stanja U Republici Hrvatskoj
Revija Za Socijalnu Politiku
International Relations
Political Science
Vjerovanja Odgojitelja O Vlastitim Kompetencijama Za Rad S Predškolskom Djecom Koja Pokazuju Emocionalne Teškoće I Probleme U Ponašanju
Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja
Educational Psychology
Analiza Stanja Tvrtki U Proizvodnji Namještaja U Republici Hrvatskoj
Drvna Industrija
Assessment of the Relationship Between Toy Preferences of Preschool Children and Their Play Behaviors and Social Emotional States
Journal of Academic Research in Nursing
Transdisciplinarni Pristup U Razmatranju Odnosa Znanost — Teologija
Obnovljeni Zivot
Religious Studies
Teorije Integracije U Savremenim Medjunarodnim Politickim Odnosima