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Publications by Aleksei Vedenin
Indigenous Peoples in the Sacred Geography of Ethnic Territories (Cases of the Shor People and the Tozhu-Tuvans)
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Biological, Engineering and Earth Sciences
Related publications
Preservation of Territories and Traditional Activities of the Northern Indigenous Peoples in the Period of the Arctic Industrial Development
Springer Polar Sciences
The Chemistry of Indigenous Peoples
Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice
State of the World's Indigenous Peoples
State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
The Courts and the Restitution of Indigenous Territories in Malaysia
Erasmus Law Review
Globalization, States, and the Health of Indigenous Peoples
American Journal of Public Health
Public Health
Occupational Health
The EU, the Arctic, and Arctic Indigenous Peoples
The Yearbook of Polar Law Online
Value Diffusion Indigenous Peoples of the North and Non-Indigenous Population
Research result. Sociology and Management
Recreational Use of Natural Resources and Tourism Development in Cross-Border Territories in the Areas Inhabited by Indigenous Peoples of the Altai Region
The European Union and the Principle of Self-Determination of Peoples: Territories With Special Status in the European Union and Pending Cases of Decolonization
Spanish Yearbook of International Lawi