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Publications by Aleksi Nummelin
Tracing the Imprint of River Runoff Variability on Arctic Water Mass Transformation
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM2 &Amp;#8211; Evaluation of theCMIP6 DECK and Historical Simulations
Supplementary Material to &Quot;Evaluation of Global Ocean–sea-Ice Model Simulations Based on the Experimental Protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (OMIP-2)"
Related publications
Controls on Arctic Glacier-Fed River Water Temperature
Hydrological Sciences Journal
Water Science
Influence of Inter-Annual Variability of River Runoff on the Geochemistry of Estuarine and Coastal Bottom Sediments
Assessment of Models Predicting Anthropogenic Interventions and Climate Variability on Surface Runoff of the Lower Zab River
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Environmental Science
Environmental Chemistry
Water Science
Environmental Engineering
Assessing the Impacts of Climate Variability and Human Activities on Annual Runoff in the Luan River Basin, China
Nordic Hydrology
Water Science
Arctic Summer Air-Mass Transformation, Surface Inversions and the Surface Energy Budget
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Tracing the Major Source Area of the Mountainous Runoff Generation of the Heihe River in Northwest China Using Stable Isotope Technique
Science Bulletin
The Effects of Tides on the Water Mass Mixing and Sea Ice in the Arctic Ocean
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Simulation of the Effects of the Alteration of the River Basin Land Use on River Water Temperature Using the Multi-Layer Mesh-Typed Runoff Model
Ecological Modelling
Ecological Modeling
Impacts of Recent Human Activities on Runoff of the Hotan River Flowing Into the Tarim River
Journal of Water Resources Research