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Publications by Alexander Huss
Jet Cross Sections at the LHC and the Quest for Higher Precision
European Physical Journal C
Infrared Sensitivity of Single Jet Inclusive Production at Hadron Colliders
Journal of High Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
Next-To-Leading-Order QCD and Electroweak Corrections to WWW Production at Proton-Proton Colliders
Journal of High Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
NNLO QCD Predictions for Dijet Production in Diffractive DIS
O(alpha_s Alpha) Corrections to Drell-Yan Processes in the Resonance Region
NNLO QCD Corrections to W+jet Production in NNLO JET
Jet Cross Sections With NNLOJET
NNLO QCD Corrections for Higgs-Plus-Jet Production in the Four-Lepton Decay Mode
NNLO Predictions for Jets and V+jet at the LHC