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Publications by Alexis Mojica
Geoelectrical Sounding and Imaging Over the Central Zone of Panama
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Panama Canal Zone
The Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
Food Science
On the Geoelectrical Difference Between the Kuril‐kamchatka and Bering Sea Segments of the Pacific Transition Zone
Geodynamics and Tectonophysics
Earth-Surface Processes
Environmental Handbook of Fort Sherman and Fort Gulick, Panama Canal Zone
Debt and Credit Quality in Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic
SSRN Electronic Journal
The Common Law Zone in Panama: A Case Study in Reception
HAHR - Hispanic American Historical Review
Cultural Studies
Credit Cycle and Capital Buffers in Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic
IMF Working Papers
An Environmental History of the Rio Grande in the Panama Canal Zone, 1521- 1950.
Regional Specialization. The Middle Americas: Mexico, Panama, Central America and the Caribbean Basin