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Publications by Ana Karla M. Lobo
Overexpression of Ca1pase Decreases Rubisco Abundance and Grain Yield in Wheat
Plant Physiology
Plant Science
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Relationship Between Tillering and Grain Yield of Kansas Wheat Varieties
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports
Influence of Wheat Populations Arrangement on Growth Characteristics and Grain Yield
African Journal of Agricultural Research
Grain Protein Percentage, Kernel Hardness, and Grain Yield of Winter Wheat With Foliar Applied Ureal1
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Diallel Analysis of Some Important Grain Yield Traits in Bread Wheat Crosses
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Stability of Yield and Miller's Quality of Winter Wheat Selected Varieties' Grain
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
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Influence of Microelements-Synergists on the Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat Grain
BIO Web of Conferences
Gene Action for Plant Height, Grain Yield and Its Components in Spring Wheat
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
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Wheat Grain Yield and Nitrogen Uptake as Influenced by Fertilizer Placement Depth
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