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Publications by Ana-Maria Rabal-Almazor
Assessing Gloss Under Diffuse and Specular Lighting
Color Research and Application
Human Factors
Chemical Engineering
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Rapid Classification of Specular and Diffuse Reflection From Image Velocities
Pattern Recognition
Signal Processing
Computer Vision
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Specular and Diffuse Reflection of Soft X-Rays From Mirrors
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
High Energy Physics
What Is the True Width and Height of the Specular Peak According the Level of Gloss?
Separating Diffuse and Specular Component of Image Irradiance by Translating a Camera
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Detection of Diffuse and Specular Interface Reflections and Inter-Reflections by Color Image Segmentation
International Journal of Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
Active Lighting Applied to Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Specular Metallic Surfaces by Polarization Imaging
Applied Optics
Consumer’s Perception of High Gloss Furniture: Instrumental Gloss Measurement Versus Visual Gloss Evaluation
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
Materials Science
Gallic Gloss
Assessing Lighting Appraisal, Performance, Physiological Components in Office Work