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Publications by Andrea Benedetto
Externalities of Soil Stabilization in the Construction of Main Transportation Infrastructures. The Case of the High Speed Railway in North Italy: Economical and Environmental Benefits
The Open Environmental Engineering Journal
Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry (PSI) for Airport Runways Monitoring
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High Speed Railway Hubs in European Medium-Sized Cities: The Case of the ENTER.HUB Network
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Occupational Risk Factors for Arterial Hypertension in Workers of High Speed Railway Line in Italy
Archives of Clinical Hypertension
Soil Non-Linearity on High Speed Railway Lines
Railway vs Highway Transportation and Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey
Alphanumeric Journal
Economic Outlooks of High-Speed Railway in Russia
Bulletin of Bryansk state technical university
Geotechnics Throughout the Life Cycle of the Transportation Infrastructures
Residential Sorting and Environmental Externalities: The Case of Nonlinearities and Stigma in Aviation Noise Values
Journal of Regional Science
Environmental Science
Chinese High-Speed Railway: Efficiency Comparison and the Future
Promet - Traffic - Traffico
Ocean Engineering
Structural Engineering
Test and Analysis of the Application of Waterproofing for Waterproofing of the High Speed Railway
DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science