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Publications by Andreas Maercker
Innovations and Changes in the ICD-11 Classification of Mental, Behavioural and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
World Psychiatry
Mental Health
Psychiatric Mental Health
A Review of Current Evidence Regarding the ICD-11 Proposals for Diagnosing PTSD and Complex PTSD
Clinical Psychology Review
Clinical Psychology
Mental Health
The Course of Adjustment Disorder Following Involuntary Job Loss and Its Predictors of Latent Change
Clinical Psychological Science
Clinical Psychology
Social Acknowledgment of Violent Experiences and Its Role in PTSD and Appetitive Aggression Among High-Risk Males in South Africa
Clinical Psychological Science
Clinical Psychology
Response to Maarten C. Eisma and Lonneke I. M. Lenferink
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Mental Health
Prolonged Grief Disorder for ICD-11: The Primacy of Clinical Utility and International Applicability
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Mental Health
Fatalism as a Traditional Cultural Belief Potentially Relevant to Trauma Sequelae: Measurement Equivalence, Extent and Associations in Six Countries
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Mental Health
Sense of Coherence and Stress-Related Resilience: Investigating the Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms in the Development of Resilience Following Stress or Adversity
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Mental Health
The Delay of Gratification Test for Adults: Validating a Behavioral Measure of Self-Motivation in a Sample of Older People
Motivation and Emotion
Social Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Is Adjustment Disorder Unidimensional or Multidimensional? Implications for ICD-11
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
Mental Health