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Publications by Andrew W. Robertson
686: Cervical Length Surveillance Frequency and the Association of Spontaneous Preterm Delivery in Twin Gestation
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Characterization Ofl-Digitoxosyl-Phenanthroviridin fromStreptomyces venezuelaeISP5230
Journal of Natural Products
Organic Chemistry
Molecular Medicine
Pharmaceutical Science
Analytical Chemistry
Alternative Medicine
Drug Discovery
Tropical Rainfall Subseasonal-To-Seasonal Predictability Types
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
The Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project (S2S) and the Prediction of Extreme Events
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
Estimation of Seasonal Precipitation Tercile-Based Categorical Probabilities From Ensembles
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Simulations of the Atmospheric Response to South Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Interannual and Decadal Cycles in River Flows of Southeastern South America
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Weather Types and Rainfall Over Senegal. Part I: Observational Analysis
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Peruvian Stratus Clouds and the Tropical Pacific Circulation: A Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCM Study
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Interdecadal Variability Over the North Pacific in a Multi-Century Climate Simulation
Climate Dynamics
Atmospheric Science