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Publications by Anis Mashdurohatun
Legal Construction of Training Ship Management Owned by the Human Resource Development Agency for Indonesian Transportation Based on Dignified Justice Values
International Journal of Advanced Research
Identifikasi Fair Use/Fair Dealing Hak Cipta Atas Buku Dalam Pengembangan Iptek Pada Pendidikan Tinggi Di Jawa Tengah
Yustisia Jurnal Hukum
The Urgency of Legal Protection to the Trademarks in the Global Era
Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum
Reconstruction of Legal Sanctions Policy on Underaged Homosexual Offender in Indonesia Based on the Value of Pancasila Justice
International Journal of Advanced Research
Ideal Legal Concept of Fidusia Guarantee Registration Obligations by Justice-Based Financing Companies
Journal of Asian Research
Spatial Policy Dilemma: Environmental Sustainability and Economic Growth
UNTAG Law Review
Trademark Legal Protection Against SMEs in Enhancing Global Competitiveness Based on the Values of Pancasila