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Publications by Anna Irimiás
Nadler, R., Kovács, Z., Glorius, B. And Lang, T. (Eds.): Return Migration and Regional Development in Europe: Mobility Against the Stream
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
Planetary Sciences
Az UNESCO Filmes Városok Összehasonlító Elemzése
Földrajzi Közlemények
Related publications
Migration and Mobility as a Factor of Sustainable Development in Europe
Review of Economic and Business Studies
Regional Features of International Migration in Europe and Regional Migration Policy
Socio-Economic Research Bulletin
The Return of Romeo. Scientists' International Mobility and the Future of Research in Europe
EMBO Reports
Molecular Biology
Regional Cooperation on Migration and Mobility: Experiences From Two African Regions
Proceedings of the African Futures Conference
Poverty and Regional Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
World Bank Working Papers
International Migration, Uneven Regional Development and Polarization
European Urban and Regional Studies
Urban Studies
Environmental Science
Ongoing Margin Migration of Ice Stream B, Antarctica
Journal of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes
Is London Really the Engine-Room? Migration, Opportunity Hoarding and Regional Social Mobility in the UK
National Institute Economic Review
Graduate Migration and Regional Development: An International Perspective