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Publications by Anni Vanhatalo
Pinus Sylvestris as a Missing Source of Nitrous Oxide and Methane in Boreal Forest
Scientific Reports
The Effects of Β-Alanine Supplementation on Muscle pH and the Power-Duration Relationship During High-Intensity Exercise
Frontiers in Physiology
Long-Term Dynamics of BVOC Production, Storage and Emission in Boreal Scots Pine
Dissertationes Forestales
Prediction of Photosynthesis in Scots Pine Ecosystems Across Europe by Needle-Level Theory
Prediction of Photosynthesis in Scots Pine Ecosystems Across Europe by Needle-Level Theory
Optimizing the "Priming" Effect: Influence of Prior Exercise Intensity and Recovery Duration on O2 Uptake Kinetics and Severe-Intensity Exercise Tolerance
Journal of Applied Physiology
Sports Science