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Publications by Atikah Anindyarin
The Complexity of Cultural Outcomes as Indonesian Language Teaching Material for Foreign Speakers (BIPA)
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences
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On the Problems of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to the Speakers of a Cognate Language (Polish)
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Negative Transfer of Indonesian Collocations Into English and Implications for Teaching English as a Foreign Language
LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
Cognitive Learning Strategy of BIPA Students in Learning the Indonesian Language
IAFOR Journal of Language Learning
The Folklore Comics Media for Learning Indonesian as a Foreign Language
The Importance of Developing Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Local Culture for BIPA Students
Emerging Factors of Communicative Language Teaching (Clt) and Its Application in Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (Efl) Classrooms
Langkawi: Journal of The Association for Arabic and English