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Publications by B. LeBlanc
Monitoring of Polyomavirus BK Virus Viruria and Viremia in Renal Allograft Recipients by Use of a Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assay: One-Year Prospective Study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Exploration of High Harmonic Fast Wave Heating on the National Spherical Torus Experiment
Physics of Plasmas
Condensed Matter Physics
High Harmonic Fast Wave Heating and Current Drive on NSTX-system and Experimental Plan
MHD Activity and Energy Loss During Beta Saturation and Collapse at High Beta Poloidal in PBX
Use of S-. Alpha. Diagram for Representing Tokamak Equilibrium
The Effect of Internal Magnetic Structure on the Fishbone Instability
Core V{sub {Phi}} and T{sub I} Profiles and Transport in TFTR DD and DT Plasmas With Lithium Conditioning
Experimental Exploration of Profile Control in the Princeton Beta Experiment-Modified (PBX-M) Tokamak