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Publications by B. Snook
Azimuthal Decorrelation of Jets Widely Separated in Rapidity in Pp Collisions at S = 7 $$ \Sqrt{s}=7 $$ TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
Measurement of the Production Cross Section for $ \Mathrm{Z}\gamma \To \Nu \Overline{\nu}\gamma $ in Pp Collisions at $ \Sqrt{s} = 7 $ TeV and Limits on ZZγ and Zγγ Triple Gauge Boson Couplings
Journal of High Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
Studies of Jet Mass in Dijet and W/Z + Jet Events
Journal of High Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
Erratum To: Comparison of the Z/Γ* + Jets to Γ + Jets Cross Sections in Pp Collisions at S = 8 $$ \Sqrt{s}=8 $$
Journal of High Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
Engineering Comprehensible Youth Interrogation Rights
New Criminal Law Review
Measurement of the Differential Cross Section for Isolated Prompt Photon Production Inppcollisions at 7 TeV
Physical Review D
Search for Jet Extinction in the Inclusive Jet-pTspectrum From Proton-Proton Collisions Ats=8 TeV
Physical Review D
Search for New Physics in Final States With a Lepton and Missing Transverse Energy Inppcollisions at the LHC
Physical Review D
Measurement of Higher-Order Harmonic Azimuthal Anisotropy in PbPb Collisions atsNN=2.76TeV
Physical Review C