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Publications by B.A. Hartenbaum
Topical Report on Subsurface Fracture Mapping From Geothermal Wellbores. Phase I. Pulsed Radar Techniques. Phase II. Conventional Logging Methods. Phase III. Magnetic Borehole Ranging
Subsurface Fracture Mapping From Geothermal Wellbores. Final Report
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Sperry Low Temperature Geothermal Conversion System, Phase I and Phase II. Volume IV. Field Activities. Final Report
FAST TEST REACTOR CONCEPTUAL DESIGN. Final Topical Report. Task A, Phase II and III.
Pulsed Streamer Reactor Characterization. Phase II
Phase I Report, US DOE GRED II Program
Phase III :
Availability Program: Phase I Report
Figure 2: Cuing Stimulus Examples in Phase I, II and III.
Magnetic Structure of Phase II inU(Ru0.96Rh0.04)2Si2Determined by Neutron Diffraction Under Pulsed High Magnetic Fields
Physical Review Letters