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Publications by BENJAMIN J. COHEN
Sovereign Wealth Funds and National Security: The Great Tradeoff
International Affairs
International Relations
Political Science
Dollarization, Rest in Peace
International Journal of Political Economy
International Relations
Political Science
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Taxation and the Competitiveness of Sovereign Wealth Funds: Do Taxes Encourage Sovereign Wealth Funds to Invest in the United States?
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Sovereign Wealth Funds – Investment Strategies and Financial Distress
Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds
Sovereign Wealth Funds: Form and Function in the 21st Century
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New Wealth, New Wisdom: Understanding the Changing Profile of Countries Creating Sovereign Wealth Funds
Enhancing the Transparency of Sovereign Wealth Funds: From the Middle East to China
Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia)
Sovereign Wealth Funds in Central and Eastern Europe: Scope and Methods of Financial Penetration
Sovereign Development Funds
OECD Development Centre Policy Insights
Internationalization by State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) After the 2008 Crisis. Looking for Generalizations
International Journal of Management and Economics