Amanote Research
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Publications by Basil J. Nikolau
Reverse-Genetic Analysis of the Two Biotin-Containing Subunit Genes of the Heteromeric Acetyl-Coenzyme a Carboxylase in Arabidopsis Indicates a Unidirectional Functional Redundancy
Plant Physiology
Plant Science
Systems Analyses of Key Metabolic Modules of Floral and Extrafloral Nectaries of Cotton
Cloning and Characterization of CER2, an Arabidopsis Gene That Affects Cuticular Wax Accumulation
Plant Cell
Plant Science
Cell Biology
Meiotic Recombination Break Points Resolve at High Rates at the 5' End of a Maize Coding Sequence
Plant Cell
Plant Science
Cell Biology
Coordinate, Organ-Specific and Developmental Regulation of Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase Gene Expression in Amaranthus Hypochondriacus
Plant Physiology
Plant Science
Coordinate Regulation of the Nuclear and Plastidic Genes Coding for the Subunits of the Heteromeric Acetyl-Coenzyme a Carboxylase
Plant Physiology
Plant Science