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Publications by Bockline O Bebe
Evaluation of Losses of Replacement Heifers in Pastoral and Peri-Urban Camel Herds in Semi-Arid Northern Kenya
Animal Science
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Manure Management Risks and Ownership of Peri-Urban Poultry Enterprises in Western Kenya
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Regionalization of Coaxial Correlation Diagrams for the Semi-Humid and Semi-Arid Catchments in Northern China
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
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Sedentary Agriculture and Its Implications on Soil Quality in Agro-Pastoral Semi-Arid Karamoja, Uganda
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Heavy Metal Content of Selected African Leafy Vegetables Planted in Urban and Peri-Urban Nairobi, Kenya
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Market and Non-Market Factors Influencing Farmers’ Adoption of Improved Beef Cattle in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of Kenya
Journal of Agricultural Science
Figure 1: A Sampling Transect of 3,200 Km Across Arid and Semi-Arid Regions in Northern China.
Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Helminths Infections in Dorper Sheep in a Semi-Arid Area of Kenya
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research
Evaluation of Sand-Dam Water Quality and Its Suitability for Domestic Use in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments: A Case Study of Kitui-West Sub-County, Kenya
International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering