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Publications by Bojana Radovanović
Marija Maglov, the Best Of: Umetnička Muzika U PGP-u [The Best Of: Art Music in PGP], Belgrade, Faculty of Media and Communications, 2016. 132 Pp, ISBN 978-86-87107-68-7 (FMK)
AM Journal of Art and Media Studies
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
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Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering
Environmental Science
Lazarus: Data Leakage With PGP and Resurrection of the Revoked User
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility
Computer Networks
The Best of the Best—1998
Archives of Surgery
Book Review Andrija Filipović, Conditio Ahumana: Immanenece and Ahuman in the Anthropocene Epoch, [Conditio Ahumana: Imanencija I Ahumano U Epohi Antropocena]. Loznica: Karpos, 2019, 384 Pp., ISBN 978-86-6435-110-2
AM Journal of Art and Media Studies
The Best of the Best—2002
Archives of Surgery
ET&C Best Paper of 2016
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Sources of Information: The Best of the Best