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Publications by Bruno S. Marangoni
Evaluation of the Roles of Metals and Humic Fractions in the Podzolization of Soils From the Amazon Region Using Two Analytical Spectroscopy Techniques
Microchemical Journal
Analytical Chemistry
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A Comparison of Humic Fractions of Chernozemic and Luvisolic Soils by Elemental Analyses, Uv and Esr Spectroscopy
Canadian Journal of Soil Science
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Metals Distribution in the Organic and Inorganic Fractions of Soil: A Case Study on Soils From Sicily
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability
Analytical and Laboratory Evaluation of the Solubility of Gypsiferous Soils
Civil Engineering Journal
To a Question of Influence of Herbicides on the Content of Humic Acids and Heavy Metals in Soils
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries
Occurrence of Paracoccidioides Lutzii in the Amazon Region: Description of Two Cases
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Infectious Diseases
Origin and Nature of Humic Substances in the Waters of the Amazon River Basin
Acta Amazonica
Biological Sciences
Release of the Atrazine Non-Extractable (Bound) Residues of Two Soils Using Degradative Techniques
Studies of the Compositions of Humic Acids From Amazonian Dark Earth Soils
Studies of the Compositions of Humic Acids From Amazonian Dark Earth Soils