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Publications by C L Cramer
Erwinia Carotovora Subsp. Carotovora Extracellular Protease: Characterization and Nucleotide Sequence of the Gene.
Journal of Bacteriology
Molecular Biology
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Japanese Journal of Phytopathology
Characterization of Transposon Insertion Out- Mutants of Erwinia Carotovora Subsp. Carotovora Defective in Enzyme Export and of a DNA Segment That Complements Out Mutations in E. Carotovora Subsp. Carotovora, E. Carotovora Subsp. Atroseptica, and Erwinia Chrysanthemi.
Journal of Bacteriology
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Role of RpoS in Virulence and Stress Tolerance of the Plant Pathogen Erwinia Carotovora Subsp. Carotovora
Bacteriophage oP Mediated Generalized Transduction in Erwinia Carotovora Subspecies Carotovora
Journal of General Microbiology
Differentiation of Erwinia Amylovora, Erwinia Carotovora, and Erwinia Herbicola
Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
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Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus Subtilis BSn5, an Endophytic Bacterium of Amorphophallus Konjac With Antimicrobial Activity for the Plant Pathogen Erwinia Carotovora Subsp. Carotovora
Journal of Bacteriology
Molecular Biology
Relation of Continuous Cropping and Crop Rotation to the Occurrence of Crucifer Soft Rot Caused by Erwinia Carotovora Subsp. Carotovora.
Kyushu Plant Protection Research
ExpR, a LuxR Homolog of Erwinia Carotovora Subsp. Carotovora, Activates Transcription of rsmA, Which Specifies a Global Regulatory RNA-Binding Protein
Journal of Bacteriology
Molecular Biology