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Publications by C W SIEMENS
Discussion. Pneumatic Despatch Tubes: The Circuit System.
Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Discussion. The Malta and Alexandria Submarine Telegraph Cable; The Electrical Tests Employed During (Its) Construction, and Insulating and Protecting Submarine Cables.
Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
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Prototyping Pneumatic Group Actuators Composed of Multiple Single-Motion Elastic Tubes.
Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan
Development of Oscillation Circuit for Driving Unconstrained Poppet Pneumatic Valve
The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)
A New Pneumatic Control System Using Multiplex Pneumatic Transmission
Proceedings of the JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
Obstruction of Armoured Tracheal Tubes: Case Report and Discussion
Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia
Pain Medicine
Teaching the Effect of Variables on the Brightness of a Light Bulb in a Simple Electrical Circuit Using a Pneumatic System Model (PSM)
International Journal of Physical Sciences
A High Speed, Wide Dynamic Range Digitizer Circuit for Photomultiplier Tubes
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
High Energy Physics
Study on the Condensation of Water in a Pneumatic System
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Device-Circuit Interactions and Impact on TFT Circuit-System Design
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
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Development of Pneumatic Assist System for Human Walk
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