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Publications by C. Agyemang
A Cross-National Comparative Study of Smoking Prevalence and Cessation Between English and Dutch South Asian and African Origin Populations: The Role of National Context
Nicotine and Tobacco Research
Public Health
Occupational Health
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Asian Women Leadership, a Cross-National and Cross-Sector Comparison.
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Institutions and Social Change: A Case Study of the South African National AIDS Council
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Mismatch Between Perceived and Actual Overweight in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Populations: A Comparative Study of South Asian and European Women
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A Cross-Sectional Study of Happiness and Smoking Cessation Among Parents
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The Current Status and Challenges of National Smoking Cessation Support Program in Korea
Korean Journal of Family Medicine
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Tobacco Use in India: Prevalence and Predictors of Smoking and Chewing in a National Cross Sectional Household Survey
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Protecting the Dead: The South African National Heritage Resources Act in Context
Smoking Prevalence in the European Union: A Comparison of National and Transnational Prevalence Survey Methods and Results
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