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Publications by C. Radewan
Kalman Filtering in Two Dimensions
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Computer Science Applications
Information Systems
Information Sciences
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Two-Dimensional Adaptive Block Kalman Filtering of SAR Imagery
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
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Electronic Engineering
Four-Dimensional Ensemble Kalman Filtering
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
Kalman Filtering for Manufacturing Processes
Dynamic Control Allocation Through Kalman Filtering
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Geotechnical Engineering
Energy Engineering
Engineering Geology
Chemical Engineering
Power Technology
Environmental Engineering
Computer Science
Distributed Kalman Filtering Using Consensus Strategies
A Guided Tour of Kalman Filtering
Partially Coherent Phase Recovery by Kalman Filtering
Diffusion Kalman Filtering Based on Covariance Intersection
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Performance of Ensemble Kalman Filters in Large Dimensions
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics