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Publications by Cassia Mônica Sakuragui
Figure 1 From: Sakuragui CM, Calazans LSB, De Oliveira LL, De Morais EB, Benko-Iseppon AM, Vasconcelos S, Schrago CEG, Joseph Mayo SJ (2018) Recognition of the Genus Thaumatophyllum Schott − Formerly Philodendron Subg. Meconostigma (Araceae) − Based on Molecular and Morphological Evidence. PhytoKeys 98: 51-71.
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Figure 1 From: Pellegrini MOO, Forzza RC, Sakuragui CM (2017) Novelties in Brazilian Tradescantia L. (Commelinaceae). PhytoKeys 80: 1-31.
Delimitation of Iranian Species of Scorzonera Subg. Podospermum and S. Subg. Pseudopodospermum (Asteraceae, Cichorieae) Based on Morphological and Molecular Data
Plant Science
Figure 8 From: Pellegrini MOO, Forzza RC, Sakuragui CM (2017) Novelties in Brazilian Tradescantia L. (Commelinaceae). PhytoKeys 80: 1-31.
As Profissões E as Relações Étnico- Raciais: A História De Elbert De Oliveira Agostinho E a Gestão De Bruno Vasconcelos Morais
Revista África e Africanidades
Atividade Antibacteriana De Extratos De Folhas De Montrichardia Linifera (Arruda) Schott (Araceae)
Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais
Alternative Medicine
Figure 1 From: Vargas-Luna MD, Hernández-Ledesma P, Majure LC, Puente-Martínez R, Macías HMH, Luna RTB (2018) Splitting Echinocactus: Morphological and Molecular Evidence Support the Recognition of Homalocephala as a Distinct Genus in the Cacteae. PhytoKeys 111: 31-59.
Figure 1 From: Vargas-Luna MD, Hernández-Ledesma P, Majure LC, Puente-Martínez R, Macías HMH, Luna RTB (2018) Splitting Echinocactus: Morphological and Molecular Evidence Support the Recognition of Homalocephala as a Distinct Genus in the Cacteae. PhytoKeys 111: 31-59.
Figure 1 From: Pellegrini MOO (2018) Wandering Throughout South America: Taxonomic Revision of Tradescantia Subg. Austrotradescantia (D.R.Hunt) M.Pell. (Commelinaceae). PhytoKeys 101: 1-97.
Updating the List of Chromosome Numbers for Philodendron (Araceae)
Acta Botanica Brasilica
Plant Science