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Publications by Chong Zhao
Based on qProject Drivenq of the Teaching Reform of the Single Chip Microcomputer Course
The Design of the Uav Ground Station Controller
Research on Urban Planning Method in Historical Environment the Case of Epang Palace Archaeological Park and Surroundings
Related publications
Teaching Reform of the Single-Chip Microcomputer Curriculum Based on PBL
Discussion on Open Class Teaching Reform Based on “Principle and Interface Technology of Single Chip Microcomputer”
Advances in Education
Design of Data Acquisition and Transmission System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Exploration of Innovation in the Teaching of Single-Chip Microcomputer With Practice Running Through It
Teaching Exploration and Practice of Software Development Course Based on qProject Experience Learning Modeq
Research on Teaching Reform of MCU Course Based on Proteus
Design of Intelligent Lighting System Based on WiFi and Arduino Single Chip Microcomputer
EDA Course Teaching Reform Based on Vivado IDE
DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science
Discussion on the Teaching Reform of Computer Network Course Based on CDIO Mode
DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science