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Publications by Chr. de Vegt
A General Computer Program for the Application of the Rigorous Block-Adjustment Solution in Photographic Astrometry
Symposium - International Astronomical Union
Improving the Reference Frame by Radio–and Optical Astrometry of Radio Stars
International Astronomical Union Colloquium
Commission 19: Earth Rotation (Rotation De Le Terre)
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union
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24. Photographic Astrometry
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union
Commission 24: Photographic Astrometry
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union
24. Photographic Astrometry (Astrometrie Photographique)
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union
Commission 24: Photographic Astrometry (Astrométrie Photographique)
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union
Commission 24: Photographic Astrometry (Astrométrie Photographique
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union
Commission 24: Photographic Astrometry: (Astrometrie Photographique)
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union
Method of Application in Computer Classes of the Program “Remote Desktop”
Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin
Implementation of a General Web Application Program Interface for Geoinformatics
Geoinformatics FCE CTU
PROBLEMS IN ASTROMETRY: Some Aspects of the Lick Proper Motion Program
Astronomical Journal
Planetary Science